Curators' Pick
Mišo Smišek | Narrative Art - October 7, 2021
Mišo Smišek of Belgrade, Serbia, is a consummate artist. He paints and draws. He is an incredible photographer and has illustrated numerous books. He is a regularly published and acclaimed writer of short stories. He sculpts. He creates pottery and does frottage. The breadth and scope of his work is quite simply impressive. Best of all, every piece he creates has the ability to elicit deep emotion from the viewer or reader of his work. Often dark but rarely disheartening or depressing, his work typically incorporates two or more mediums as above. Mišo has uncanny an ability to create a short story in every piece of his work.
At 64 years old, Miso studied Slovak language and literature at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Belgrade and currently works as a librarian in Boľovce. He posts regularly to social media.
Facebook: Mišo Smišek Art
Instagram: @misosmisek
~ Mark Walton
Mišo Smišek sa narodil 7. septembra 1957 v Laliti. Vyštudoval slovenský jazyk a literatúru na Filologickej fakulte belehradskej univerzity. Prednášal slovenčinu na základnej škole v Boľovciach, kde dočasne pracuje v školskej knihovni. Poviedky začal uverejňovať začiatkom osemdesiatych rokov v Novom živote a roku 2000 vydal zbierku poviedok Z tmy. Zaoberá sa aj výtvarným umením, predovšetkým kresbou a umeleckou fotografiou.
Kresbami a fotografiou ilustroval vyše dvadsať kníh . Ako spisovateľ je zaradený do Antolo’gie slovenskej vojvodinskej postmodernej pro’zy.