In: cyanotype

Alina Chirila – Femme Folks Fest 2022 Repost
March 13, 2022

Alina Chirila is an experimenter. Never one to follow a rule book, she will learn the fundamentals of a process and then play with ingredients, timings and formulas until she gets exactly what she wants.

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Fade to Black
May 11, 2020

High culture has pretty much disappeared along with the dress code.

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Stephen Scott
April 27, 2020

There is no question that these are dark time times and dark times call for light. That light is beauty. The beautiful comforts us in times like these when life itself is in question.

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Ariane Plante
October 21, 2021

Ariane Plante is an artist who works in sound, photography, video, and installation. Having completed her studies in anthropology, she brings an understanding of what is actual field work and good methodology, to her sensitive and complex projects. Understanding more about her process, and experiencing the appreciative results, confirms for me a long-standing conviction, having attended, and taught in art schools: the best thing for artists to do is study something else in detail, that can be brought to bear on one’s practice.

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March 27, 2020

KEEP THIS HERE FOR SPACING! Alchimia Blu Alina Chirila Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque... Read More
Alina Chirila
March 13, 2022

Alina Chirila is an experimenter. Never one to follow a rule book, she will learn the fundamentals of a process and then play with ingredients, timings and formulas until she gets exactly what she wants.

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Alina Chirila
March 30, 2020

Alina Chirila is an experimenter. Never one to follow a rule book, she will learn the fundamentals of a process and then play with ingredients, timings and formulas until she gets exactly what she wants.

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